10. Everywhere I look all these young unmarried girls are pregnant and not bright at all and I'm smart want to get married and have kids and I've yet to have a boyfriend. This is the most evil irony.
9. People do not know how to drive in a parking lot to save their lives. First it's 5 miles an hour, PEOPLE. Second, if you don't see a spot keep moving, some people have places to be and time cards to punch.
8. Is it really my fault you waited to go last minute shopping without a plan and now you have nothing?
7. Stalking someone and giving them creepy smiles is NEVER okay!!
6. Seriously, it's cold and wet outside, you're really wearing shorts and flip flops? Yeah, hello 911 I've got a crazy person on aisle 9.
5. If you come into my coffee shop everyday, and everyday you get the same thing and you've already told me how to make it. DO NOT ASK ME IF I'M MAKING IT RIGHT THREE MORE TIMES! Or I may make it wrong. Hmm, was that decaf you said?
4. I guess I missed the memo, Apparently when you install/set up something you're only supposed to do it half way. Thanks.
3. Just because it's on a table with other sale items does not mean it's on sale. Especially if I juts told you sale items have big red stickers.
2. I know things can be stressful during the holidays, but if you yell at me one more time you'll be celebrating from a hospital room.
1. If you think my apartment needs to be vacuumed so bad, let me get you the vacuum while I go back to doing the half a dozen things I needs to do. I live her I get this place clean, I haven't vacuumed yet, but if it's such a priority to you, go at it.
A day in the life of a red head funny girl and the power of coffee.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dating . . . .
Yeah, so I'm giving the whole on-line dating thing another shot. Especially since guys around here are jerks to say the least. So far so good, but I don't want to ruin anything with endless chatter about it here. So, just a brief update that all you get.
Friday, November 14, 2008
cat vs dog
so my kitten who is far less powerful than my parents dogs will open any door no matter whet. Whereas my parents youngest boxer will whine until some one lets him in. he never nudges the door and my cat is a frickin' houdini!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I went so see . .
The Academy Is . . . a couple of weeks ago with my lil sis, since we're huge fans. We The Kings played as well and I alos happen to be quite fond of them. Well,, we're waiting after the show, as we usually do to hang with the band, as we usually do. Jack The Camera Guy, who happens to be best freinds with TAI and travels with them everywhere, was all "hey Megan and Ally, how's it going? So glad you cam out tonight." Which made me oh so happy. Yeah thats right we're starting to get recognized by the crew then the bands. thats's how it works.

Anyway, so we're waiting after the show in a small line to mingle with the band. I have an old issue of AP mag that I've been dying for them to sign and of corse questions about the venue I want to open, as well as the handy dandy digi cam. So, in front of us is a nice girl that we'd been taking pictures fro since she was alone. But in front of here was someone quite unbelievable. This girl, who looked like the lead singer, William's age and mine, 23 (thats us above) was oh so hard to describe. She was cute, nothing wrong about the way she looked. But then she opened her mouth and did what everyone in my family thinks I would've done to Zac Hanson. She started: "do you remeber when you played this Place (I can't remweber the place she said) earlier this year and last year and remember when we huing out and this show at this venue. Do you remember me, William?" Now William is over six feet tall. This girl is my height. He leans down towards her and says " I'm really sorry I don't remember. We've played there so much. ANd I'm exhausted from this tour. you look familar and I don't doubt what your saying but I don't have a good memory." But I do this is how I rember this part so clearly, and my sis was with me. "Oh, well I just wanted you to know that i've thought about those nights and how we connected . . " Williams eyes grow huge and Ally and I look at each other like what is she doing? "and how we're absolutely perfect for each other. So I was wondering if you'd marry me, please?" WHAT?????? Our jaws dropped, William stepped back from crazy Katie (her name really is Katie) and got worried. "What?" "We'd be perfect together. Marry me WIlliam." I look at Ally still in shock, did she just? Ally's like yeah she did. The girl in front of us turns around and says 'okay so she just proposed to William?" we say yeah and turn around to watch what happened next. It was a train wreck, and we were glued to the damage. William raised his hands to his face and then put them together like he was praying, which he very well may have been . . for security to come haul her away. He looked Katie straight in the eye and said " We don't know each other. At all. We're not perfect for each other. You can't base feelings for me on one night that we hung out a year ago, esspically since i don't remeber. You need to let go of EVERYTHING you cannot control, including me." She was a bit teary eyed after. understanabley. But just so everyone knows, I would never NEVER ask someone I "loved" in a band to marry me. I may push them into walls, or cause a riot outside their bus, or happen to metion i think they're really a halogram that's why we never see them in person. But I would never say something that crazy. And I have apoligized to each and everyone of those band memebers. Katie walked away looking hopefully crazy. So, yeah, that was kinda crazy to witness. the only other marriage proposal I've seen was my older sister's. And that was adorable. Oh, and she knew her boyfriend/fience who is now my brother in law, so it was a different situation .
Wow. I probably wrote a novel and I need to go finish my nanowrimo novel. I'm sdoing so good with it. Although, this Crazy Katei story does have soemthing to it. Maybe that'll be my project next month.
Also, Ally and I are workling on becoming youtube queens . . reality show . . . maybe! This pic is Travis from We The Kings, I had to take two pictures because I closed my eyes, but he was cool about it as always. I told him one of his band memeebers might be a halogram. He laughed and said I was fianlly on to him. But we're cool cause we're redheads. Travisaurus and Brownisaurus: you have to know when it's cool to open your mouth and when to keep it shut!

Anyway, so we're waiting after the show in a small line to mingle with the band. I have an old issue of AP mag that I've been dying for them to sign and of corse questions about the venue I want to open, as well as the handy dandy digi cam. So, in front of us is a nice girl that we'd been taking pictures fro since she was alone. But in front of here was someone quite unbelievable. This girl, who looked like the lead singer, William's age and mine, 23 (thats us above) was oh so hard to describe. She was cute, nothing wrong about the way she looked. But then she opened her mouth and did what everyone in my family thinks I would've done to Zac Hanson. She started: "do you remeber when you played this Place (I can't remweber the place she said) earlier this year and last year and remember when we huing out and this show at this venue. Do you remember me, William?" Now William is over six feet tall. This girl is my height. He leans down towards her and says " I'm really sorry I don't remember. We've played there so much. ANd I'm exhausted from this tour. you look familar and I don't doubt what your saying but I don't have a good memory." But I do this is how I rember this part so clearly, and my sis was with me. "Oh, well I just wanted you to know that i've thought about those nights and how we connected . . " Williams eyes grow huge and Ally and I look at each other like what is she doing? "and how we're absolutely perfect for each other. So I was wondering if you'd marry me, please?" WHAT?????? Our jaws dropped, William stepped back from crazy Katie (her name really is Katie) and got worried. "What?" "We'd be perfect together. Marry me WIlliam." I look at Ally still in shock, did she just? Ally's like yeah she did. The girl in front of us turns around and says 'okay so she just proposed to William?" we say yeah and turn around to watch what happened next. It was a train wreck, and we were glued to the damage. William raised his hands to his face and then put them together like he was praying, which he very well may have been . . for security to come haul her away. He looked Katie straight in the eye and said " We don't know each other. At all. We're not perfect for each other. You can't base feelings for me on one night that we hung out a year ago, esspically since i don't remeber. You need to let go of EVERYTHING you cannot control, including me." She was a bit teary eyed after. understanabley. But just so everyone knows, I would never NEVER ask someone I "loved" in a band to marry me. I may push them into walls, or cause a riot outside their bus, or happen to metion i think they're really a halogram that's why we never see them in person. But I would never say something that crazy. And I have apoligized to each and everyone of those band memebers. Katie walked away looking hopefully crazy. So, yeah, that was kinda crazy to witness. the only other marriage proposal I've seen was my older sister's. And that was adorable. Oh, and she knew her boyfriend/fience who is now my brother in law, so it was a different situation .
Wow. I probably wrote a novel and I need to go finish my nanowrimo novel. I'm sdoing so good with it. Although, this Crazy Katei story does have soemthing to it. Maybe that'll be my project next month.
Also, Ally and I are workling on becoming youtube queens . . reality show . . . maybe! This pic is Travis from We The Kings, I had to take two pictures because I closed my eyes, but he was cool about it as always. I told him one of his band memeebers might be a halogram. He laughed and said I was fianlly on to him. But we're cool cause we're redheads. Travisaurus and Brownisaurus: you have to know when it's cool to open your mouth and when to keep it shut!

Friday, August 29, 2008
SO I'm standing in line. . .
at the new Circut City grand Opening yesterday. I look around and everyone . . . EVERYONE has some sort of Raiders memoriblia. I instant feel uncomfortable, simply because 90% of Raiders fans I know or have met are not the nicest people. I get the guts, really i have no idea where they came from, to ask the guy behind me if someone from the Raiders was in the store. At that moment, as the last word left my mouth, every thing slowed, everyone in line turned towards me and began to charge . . ok okay, so a few people turned around to look at me like I was a freak. When I found out Bill Pluckett was in the store I said: "oh, okay, thats pretty cool." Yeah like I know who he is. I did keep my mouth shut, however to the fact that I'm a Niners girl. Go #1! Alex Smith BABY!!!! ANd I like the Bears simply because my whole thing with Chicago and my cousin used to play for them.
So yea, not too much to report. But I'm working on a few things. And the new Fall Out Boy pic is cute. Very little boy lost look. Anywho, I gotta take some lunch to Ally and then enjoy a glass of wine with new Josh Hartnett movie "August" about some dotcommer something. I dunno Josh Hartnett is it. Oh, and David Bowie. So, look for a review.
So yea, not too much to report. But I'm working on a few things. And the new Fall Out Boy pic is cute. Very little boy lost look. Anywho, I gotta take some lunch to Ally and then enjoy a glass of wine with new Josh Hartnett movie "August" about some dotcommer something. I dunno Josh Hartnett is it. Oh, and David Bowie. So, look for a review.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Jo bros
I will openly admit to loving the Jonas Brothers. Kevin in particular. That being said it was still a bit odd that they wound up in on of my dreams. I'm 3 years older than Kevin, the oldest, and I'm wierd about age. SO why did I drag my younger sis with me to chase the Jo Bros down a Hollywood backlot street (quite PATD "nine in the afternoon" style)? Then I hung out with Kevin at a fair somewhere. Odd but kinda fun (ny?). ANyway, other than job huting thats all folks!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Demon Barber in my dvd player!
I saw Sweeney Todd for the first time today! Alone! I will never see it again! I almost ralphed all over my living room. I knew it was gruesome. But I love Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter! I'd much rather see the live theatrical version next time. Or maybe not! If I want to put myself through sheer horror again I will most likely go to a hospital and ask some one to cut me open while I'm awake. Songs were catchy though!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Really? I mean when will this end?
Really? Is this really happening again? I do my best to stnd up for guys. I hate the "princess-I-get-my-way" girls that treat guys like crap. SO why do I get screwed over all the time? The few guys that are the quirky, nerdy, shy kind of guys that I could possibly connect with are impossible to find. I'm giving up. I mean it. Seriously. I'm so done with the lies and false excuses. I'm completely honest, up front and real, so why the heck do I get the shaft everytime. Not to mention the same "I'm gonna be busy for a while" excuse. I fell for it last time and it's true he was busy, busy doing some other girl. But I knew it was a lie this time too. And I'm done with having lies put in my face. You don't like me, don't think we'll work out fine! I'm not a fragile 15 year old any more, I can handle it. I can't stand liars, so be a man about it. Get some balls and be straight foreward with me. I won't lie to you. If you're gonna lie to me, then keep walking and don't look back.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Rolling Stone Stalker?
So I go to my mail box, because Ally never checks the mail, and what do I see? Robert Downey Jr. As he is on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Now you tell me if this is weird or not. The August 7Th issue was sent to my parents (and my former address)house with my name on it no extra forwarding stickers. And the new issue that i received today was sent to my new address, again without forwarding stickers. The address box on the cover couldn't be more perfect. This is completely odd as i don't subscribe to Rolling Stone. I read the articles I want online but other than that its just not something I go out of my way to get. What's the deal?
Oh and I signed up for Red Box rentals. You know the !$ a night rental thing inside Raleys. Well since I signed up (and its free) for texts from them I got a free movie rental. So I thought hey, Mad Money isn't in my NetFlix que line so why not get it for free? I'm just not into movies right now. I found it so boring and didn't even get half way through it. I'm a big movie fan, whats going on? I'm probably so preoccupied with getting settled, weekend events, and all sorts of unnecessary stress that I just can't relax enough to watch a movie!
*deep breath* Maybe soon!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Things are better now
I've taken a deep breath and I'm no longer having an anxiety attack from that horrid dream. Thank goodness. I talked it out and I'm good now. My current dilema: i have 12 mice and need to get rid of some. i have to face the facts of life that a few are going to be fed to snakes. i hate the fod chain for this. And I already named them all!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
a nightmare, just a nightscare
I haven't blogged in quite some time. I've been busy. I just have to get this out. Last night I has the most frightening dream of my life. I'm not even sure it was a dream. I have trouble sleeping, all the time every other night. And this isn't too unusual. I'm still adjusting to my apartment and twin size bed. But I slept uneasy long before that. Now I'm not sure if this was my dream or it really happened which is even scarier. And I jolted awake crying and the thought of it makes me cry now. If I was sleeping then I was dreaming that I was awake in my room in the dark just lying there. Then the door opened and a tall man in a dark leather or motorcycle jacket came in my room walked over to my bed with his arms by his side and his hands in fists. He peered in through my canopy and had bright slivers for eyes, grunted heavy and slightly pumped his fists by his waist and turned on his heel and left through the door closing it behind him. That's when I jolted and slightly raised my head. I immediately took my pulse and it was racing, my forehead was broken out in a sweat and I was laying exactly as I was in the possible dream. It felt so real. I pulled my covers and reached for my cell phone and clutched in it my hand as I fell back to sleep.
Now I don't watch scary movies for this reason. I watched a pleasant Adam Brody movie before I went to bed. That I know of no one crazy is stalking the streets and breaking into second story apartments. I do remember hearing my sister come home and when i woke from the dream it was only thirty minutes later. I don't know what this means, if it was real (which I hope it wasn't), or what to think of it. I have never been so scared in my entire life.
Now I don't watch scary movies for this reason. I watched a pleasant Adam Brody movie before I went to bed. That I know of no one crazy is stalking the streets and breaking into second story apartments. I do remember hearing my sister come home and when i woke from the dream it was only thirty minutes later. I don't know what this means, if it was real (which I hope it wasn't), or what to think of it. I have never been so scared in my entire life.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Moved, started unpacking, still stress and I'm 23 in less than 3 days
I like my new place. Becuse it's mine. But I can't wrap my head around living on my own. I get so lonely. I'm not busy trying to get my life moving, so i get bored and lonely.
More on the new place later. For now, I'm so upset with myself. In less than 3 days I'll be 23. That's not old. But it's the five year mark for me. Five years since high school graduation. And I've done nothing. When I was graduating I had a detailed list of goals that I would accomplish by this birthday. Not a single one of them have happened. I just quit and tossed it aside. I got so unmotivated that I wanted to cease to exist. Completely. I've been running into former classmates left and right and what they've done in 5 years, compared to what I've done is truly amazing. I don't know why I can't get it together. I have the knowledge and the skills. I know what I want to do. But for soem reason there's this heavy hesitation. It kills me. It frightens me to turn 23 on Monday. Becasue I've done nothing for five years that is worth chatting about or listing anywhere as an acomplishment.
I'm working quite hard to change this though. I'm sticking with my dream of opening a venue in Vacaville. I've made a beginners checklist. I have a few people supporting me. I can even see every last detail, except for the name.
I'm tired at this time of night to actually write anything that might be thought provoking. i can only muster small whines. But I know I'll be okay, right? I have to be okay. I just always dreamed of being married by 23 and having my first child. Right now there's another 23 year old living that. I hope she and her family are as happy as I thought I'd be right now. AS-W!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
new career move
Thursday, April 17, 2008
20 Something

So, I've been reading (yes I know, shocking isn't it!) this book that isn't really telling me what to do as much as help me figure out what I want and how I want to do it. If that makes sense, read on. I've been struggling with this kind of large concept that I just can't seem to get me head around. It's gotten to the point that I am nearly panicking at the mere thought. I feel a bit unaccomplished. I am nearing 23 and the 5 year mark from high school graduation. Kids I babysat are graduating. How'd that happen? My peers are getting married off, making partner, graduating and have one job that pays the bills. Not to mention those of them having . . . not puppies, no they got puppies awhile ago, but babies. Yes. I'm at a place where I can see the future as it relates to the summer, but everything else is a complete blur.
Okay, so that's my current crisis: the 20 something crisis. Now I know what I want to do, err what I don't want to do. I don't want to finish school, at least not now. I don't want to continue living in my parents house for the rest of my life. And I don't want to move half way around the country for a change of scenery when I like California.
So, now that all of that is on the table, here's how I'm changing my life. Well for one I'm going to start living it. No more sidelines for Brownie. When I want something, I'll find a way to get it. This does not mean that I'm going to become some self centered-materialistic-plastic swiping-skinny shopaholic. It means that this is my one short life. And I am going to live it. I've already started to take charge of my health. Allergies aside, I am so glad to be healthy again. I've realized how unfond, if that's a word, of ER's I am. yea, not a good place to be, but some cool scars to show for it. I've also decided that i am the one who made myself fat. Yep that's right, I've finally found the culprit. So, I've already taken action to fix that. I took some rather revolting pictures of myself, just as a bit of encouragement. They will most likely NEVER reach the Internet, at least not for a while. Like when I'm skinny and can physically show how mush of an improvement I have made! Okay, so I am also going to do everything. Well, everything that interests me at least. May will be the Kick off of my website, where all things brownie will be in one fantastic home. This blog and my promotional myspace will be connected. I'm very excited about that. Okay, well I'd better skedaddle because Kim Possible is on and my tummy is a bit grumbly.
I'm still kinda looking for Mr Right! As in I'm not conducting interviews or looking/taking out adds, but if he happened upon my life then YAY! So if you see him, you can send him my way, or not. And if he happens to be a certain lead singer-guitar player-former drummer-Prince fan- music producer-genius-and PW's best friend, then that might be alright too!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A song by me: The truth hurts worst of all
The truth hurts worst of all
Tell me the truth was I ever the one with you, when you smiled said “this is nice”, and made me laugh about a trip to Rome, I’ll tell you where to roam and how to get there, just be lucky I’m no Carrie, if I were you’d be sorry, your problems are much more than I’d ever want to deal with, dealing drugs and pedaling hookers would be easier, easier for me to understand, and then the pain wouldn’t be real, but real it is, so I’ll find another man, a better man a real man who can love me, really love me and has more to give me than I know what to do with, without, withhold, withheld a love not really more lust and so hot one touch could have ruined me, could have made me marry you prematurely, not without pain and knives sharpened to sting hard and cut fast, cut you off.
Megan Elizabeth Brown
Again with the distraction
I'm so easily scatterer brained sometimes. I got on the Internet twenty minutes ago to look for something rather quickly, didn't find it and proceeding somewhere else. I then organized my favorites and checked out a few blogs that i subscribe to. Then I thought, hey i haven't posted anything in quite sometime, so here I am. I woke up today with a short mental list of things to do. I have to work in just a few hours and surprisingly my list is checked off completely. But then you know how you add to any list you make? Well, I'm there. I boxed up all the clothes from my closet that i either haven't worn in over a year or are just too hot to wear currently. In doing so I created a 3 foot gap in my closet so it will be easier to store all the clothes that usually find a home on the floor of the closet or in a pile my my sewing machine. So, now I'm working on that. Speaking of sewing machine. I'm successfully wearing a skirt that I hand made and designed. Whoo-Hoo!!! I look foreword to all the possibilities the sewing machine will bring. I have a few patterns/material sets cut out for more skirt, blouses, purses, and dresses. Yay! Pictures will be up soon. Also I have an amazing hoodie that I'm working on. Alright enough stalling, I have clothes to hang and more scattering to do. Enjoy life!
Monday, March 31, 2008
so I've been fiddling around in my head. kinda dangerous, but oh, well. I've decided that I have to basically invent my dream job and hope that somehow I make it into a living. SO eventually, within the next few months this blog will be combined with my youtube.com account and my promotional myspace.com account to go on to bigger and better things, until then a random video here and there as well as some writings.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
a poem by me was named lalalalala at one time but the new title is better suited for it
Without a parachute
Right now I’m a twenty something with many paths to take
I’ve struggled and now on the correct main path I’m not sure where to go
This is the point in life when no one tells you what to do
Most people want you to have some sort of trophy
Some way to say you’ve been somewhere
I’ve no prize for the learning curve I’ve driven
I’ve just a long list of the roads I’ve taken
Good advice I can give
And things that would end wrong I can foresee
The pain that we cause ourselves
I can tell you how to avoid
People tell me “oh I’ve heard that situation would be bad”
I can tell you exactly what will happen
Take four shrinks and pills every shade of the rainbow
I know what will come out of the machine
I’ve worked for lies and corporations
Governments and secret societies
Now that I’ve found myself
I’m no longer searching for something to fill a void
Right now I’m just longing for all my struggles to pay off
I’d hate to have suffered for nothing but vanity
Blood sweat and endless tears have left my body in near shock
The friends that used to come save me got tired of being used
Until now I didn’t know what it meant to live and give to others
But how do you just break in and make that difference
I don’t care too much for fortune and fame as much as I do for hope
I’ve let the battle wage on inside long enough
Without a fall back, I’m jumping from safety and routine
Megan Elizabeth Brown
9/06 and 3/13/07
Right now I’m a twenty something with many paths to take
I’ve struggled and now on the correct main path I’m not sure where to go
This is the point in life when no one tells you what to do
Most people want you to have some sort of trophy
Some way to say you’ve been somewhere
I’ve no prize for the learning curve I’ve driven
I’ve just a long list of the roads I’ve taken
Good advice I can give
And things that would end wrong I can foresee
The pain that we cause ourselves
I can tell you how to avoid
People tell me “oh I’ve heard that situation would be bad”
I can tell you exactly what will happen
Take four shrinks and pills every shade of the rainbow
I know what will come out of the machine
I’ve worked for lies and corporations
Governments and secret societies
Now that I’ve found myself
I’m no longer searching for something to fill a void
Right now I’m just longing for all my struggles to pay off
I’d hate to have suffered for nothing but vanity
Blood sweat and endless tears have left my body in near shock
The friends that used to come save me got tired of being used
Until now I didn’t know what it meant to live and give to others
But how do you just break in and make that difference
I don’t care too much for fortune and fame as much as I do for hope
I’ve let the battle wage on inside long enough
Without a fall back, I’m jumping from safety and routine
Megan Elizabeth Brown
9/06 and 3/13/07
a poem by me
To be foreseen is different
From the shallow
Grave you lie in
You were never at the back
Of the class, end of the list
Unforgotten, despair took over
The tangled web you had
Constructed when rain
Came shelter was no
Friend to you now you
Dare to ask me of
All the betrayed to
Help unearth your
Now fragile once golden
Body and lead you to
A life I’ll show you how
To lead honestly
Move with passion and force
Gentle to a lasting touch
But what if for an
Instant my gaze is
Not upon you
Will this old dog continue
Ancient deadly tricks
Don’t touch me as I
Walk away from the
Grave you lie in
Leave your eyes open tight
The dirt might sting
Megan Elizabeth Brown
To be foreseen is different
From the shallow
Grave you lie in
You were never at the back
Of the class, end of the list
Unforgotten, despair took over
The tangled web you had
Constructed when rain
Came shelter was no
Friend to you now you
Dare to ask me of
All the betrayed to
Help unearth your
Now fragile once golden
Body and lead you to
A life I’ll show you how
To lead honestly
Move with passion and force
Gentle to a lasting touch
But what if for an
Instant my gaze is
Not upon you
Will this old dog continue
Ancient deadly tricks
Don’t touch me as I
Walk away from the
Grave you lie in
Leave your eyes open tight
The dirt might sting
Megan Elizabeth Brown
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A song by me
World Outside
A world outside full of promise and lies and “if you stay the night, I’ll be sure to stay for now”, kind of sick and twisted vows, a place born to fall apart, with a mouse click to find a heart, and everyone I thought I loved gave me no reason to wake up daily, iced coffee, sweet dreams, divas flying high in a place of make believe and nobody lied, so I rose and wrote letters to my lovers, who only print the words I can’t stand to hear, I fall hard into this world of fear and loneliness, would you, would you, have you ever thought of something other than that piece in your pants needing satisfaction, the love-em and break-em, beat-em and thieve-em kind of boy, who broke through a window to hide from his own demons and then became mine, go back outside to a world filled with promising lies and hearts only too willing to give you less than you deserve
Megan Elizabeth Brown
A world outside full of promise and lies and “if you stay the night, I’ll be sure to stay for now”, kind of sick and twisted vows, a place born to fall apart, with a mouse click to find a heart, and everyone I thought I loved gave me no reason to wake up daily, iced coffee, sweet dreams, divas flying high in a place of make believe and nobody lied, so I rose and wrote letters to my lovers, who only print the words I can’t stand to hear, I fall hard into this world of fear and loneliness, would you, would you, have you ever thought of something other than that piece in your pants needing satisfaction, the love-em and break-em, beat-em and thieve-em kind of boy, who broke through a window to hide from his own demons and then became mine, go back outside to a world filled with promising lies and hearts only too willing to give you less than you deserve
Megan Elizabeth Brown
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Running around in circles
I’m as unorganized as I ever have been. So. I honestly don’t care. I look at my messy room and desk and agree that something should be done. But I just don’t feel like doing anything, yet. If I keep the door closed no one has to look at it anyway. And my dogs like me just as I am. Isn’t that what matters??? Okay, so I will tidy up a bit, but what should I do with all this stuff. I have tons of stuff. Stuff I want to throw away, give away, recycle, and such. So I start moving things around, I turn them into piles: RECYCLE, DONATE, TRASH, STORAGE, DESK/FILE, CLOSET. Yes that should be good. So now I have all this stuff “categorized” into six piles. Now I’m tired of cleaning and I think I’ll watch a season of Friends, perhaps season 4. But the piles are on my bed and in front of my book shelf. Okay that’s fine everything is already in piles anyway. So I move the RECYCLE and DESK/FILE piles back to my desk, I put STORAGE and CLOSET in open combined pile in the actual closet. I move DONATE back to where most of the stuff came from in the corner. And I actually walk down stairs and throw away the trash piles, because lets face it no one likes trash. I’m thirsty, so I think I’ll get a drink of water. Oh! On my way to the trash can I find a few boxes in the garage that will definitely help me get “organized”. So I get my drink and start to head back up stairs. A quick glance at my sleeping puppy sidetracks me and I sit down in the living room and start to go through a couple of piles in the living room. Hey! This is stuff I was looking for (4 magazines, endless pieces of mail, a couple pair of shoes, a sweater, sunglasses, and the black purse I tore up my closet searching for.)! this is great. I’ll just fill up these handy boxes and take them up stairs. Alright! Where should I put all this stuff from downstairs in the boxes from the garage that I got to help organize what was already in this room to begin with? Well, when I moved the STORAGE and CLOSET piles I made a small walk way on the floor. That looks like a good spot. Okay, now on to Friends season 4. Wait, wow! This room is kind of messy. I’m pretty unorganized. I don’t care I can still get to my DVD player. But really the desk is kind of distracting, maybe I should pick things up a bit . . . . .
Come on, who else cycles through this!
Come on, who else cycles through this!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Current Obsession: Nine In The Afternoon

I’m not bashful about it. I love Panic At the Disco. Yes, there was a time when I couldn’t stand to even look at those sweet babyish faces, but I don’t know. I kinda just let myself get lost in everything that was hidden in the lyrics and every note. So, it’s no wonder that I’m captivated by “Nine In The Afternoon.” I have to say that this is not all my fault. I actually first heard it on someone elses MySpace page and stole it from him: John Keefe.
Anywho, this song, for some reason really speaks to me. It makes me want to wake up at nine in the afternoon. I know that if anyone takes the lyrics quite literally then they’ll just think I’m a nut case. But really, think about it and listen. It’s marvelously, ridiculously addicting and perhaps one of the best songs I’ve heard this year. At least as far as Panic goes!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
It's about time . . . I guess
This is something I'm not sure if I want to share with the rest of the world. But then again, I'm not sure many people read my blog anyway. Tonight, I'm sad. I'm truly sad and I don't know how to fix this, for the first time in my life I can't fix my problems. I've never dated. I've never had a boyfriend. I'm 22.5 years old and past the age both my older sisters were engaged/married. Some people have said to just enjoy my single life. I'm free and can do anything I want. I do want a career, I want to travel and have a lived life. But I want someone to do that with. I'm a homebody more than anything I guess. I want to get married. I want to have a family. I want that. I really do. I'm not looking for safety and security. I want love and I want to live in my own home with my husband. I don't want to continue passing my peers who are married and some with children. I don't understand what is so wrong with me that I can't find someone. I'm pretty. I have a great figure, sure a few extra inches here and there but I look good. I like the way I look. I'm a fairly confidant woman. I walk into venuse to see somone perform and i own the place. Seriously, peopel have asked me who I work for or if I'm with the band. Thats how I carry myself. So, where is my prince charming, huh?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
one for the guys
So, let me start by saying, according to what I’ve seen and/or been told I am one of the few lame people left on this earth who has not seen Super Bad. Big deal, right?!! Well, I’m told that I need to see it to complete my life. Hahaha yea, so that probably won’t happen. I find it kinda starange that when I was 19 the guys (yea guys not gals as I just don’t mesh too well with gals) I hung with respected me too much to let me sit along side them and watch a movie such as Sin City or whatever American Pie was out at the time. Now, at nearly 23 the guys I hang around (who happen to be a completely different group, they’ve never even met my old posse) nearly demand that I see Super Bad. I’ve been told that this movie would offend me far too much for me to see it. Now, I’m not some up tight goody too shoes, but I just don’t feel that I have to subjet myself to extremely crude humor. I said this to my guys. They told me to “man up” esspically if I wanted to someday work as a tour manager/manager for bands as 90% of the business is male. WHAT? Needless to say that since my guys are all from work, some one was scrubbing drains and it wasn’t me. HA!
Now I really don’t know how to take “advice” from someone like that. Even more so since they have the strangest opnions on women and relationships. A subjet that I may argue about, but since I’ve had the same number of boyfriends that Fall out Boy has had failed records (hmmm that would be ZERO) I never get much in edgewise. Now I love my guys, don’t get me wrong and tomorrow will be another great day hanging with them, but it’s times like this (their umm lets say their slightly schovinistic opnions and behavior) that really don’t make me wonder why I’m still single.
I am the type of girl that is a “guys girl”. Since I was 6 months old my best friends have always been guys. I was the biggest tomboy, stopped everything on a dime for any sport, and wouldn’t think twice about thorwing a punch or two. Only 3 times in my life have my closeest friends been gals. I usually can’t stand gals. Their too catty. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love to go out with my girls too, but I’ve always been closer to the guys. It was like having older and sometimes younger brothers. Okay, now I’m older and I do enjoy dressing up a bit, and I go to shows with my girls because it’s weird to talk about the hotness of all the bands with my guys.
So, is it weird that my guys are all for this great beast of a movie Super Bad and would throw all of my thoughts and feeling to the wind for a crude laugh? Or am I just over reacting? I usually don’t mind these discussions that we have, but this has been going on for months now. I guess for now I’m just protesting the movie until someone can convince me otherwise. Hmmmm . . . ..
Now I really don’t know how to take “advice” from someone like that. Even more so since they have the strangest opnions on women and relationships. A subjet that I may argue about, but since I’ve had the same number of boyfriends that Fall out Boy has had failed records (hmmm that would be ZERO) I never get much in edgewise. Now I love my guys, don’t get me wrong and tomorrow will be another great day hanging with them, but it’s times like this (their umm lets say their slightly schovinistic opnions and behavior) that really don’t make me wonder why I’m still single.
I am the type of girl that is a “guys girl”. Since I was 6 months old my best friends have always been guys. I was the biggest tomboy, stopped everything on a dime for any sport, and wouldn’t think twice about thorwing a punch or two. Only 3 times in my life have my closeest friends been gals. I usually can’t stand gals. Their too catty. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love to go out with my girls too, but I’ve always been closer to the guys. It was like having older and sometimes younger brothers. Okay, now I’m older and I do enjoy dressing up a bit, and I go to shows with my girls because it’s weird to talk about the hotness of all the bands with my guys.
So, is it weird that my guys are all for this great beast of a movie Super Bad and would throw all of my thoughts and feeling to the wind for a crude laugh? Or am I just over reacting? I usually don’t mind these discussions that we have, but this has been going on for months now. I guess for now I’m just protesting the movie until someone can convince me otherwise. Hmmmm . . . ..
Nirvana and Papa Roach
Alright, so I love working on days that we play good mucis. Don’t get me wrong I love Frank Sinatra and James Brown. Sia is great, we’ve been playing a lot of great music lately. But recently Starbucks (my place of work, yes you want cofee now right!) has added some great music to their playlist and I couldn’t be happier. I had a pretty crappy and depressing week, yea, Tuesday’s tragedy has definitely taken a toll on me. I came in today reday to snap the next person I saw in half. I’ve just been out of it this week, I can’t sleep, at least not at night. I even snapped at my kids this week (the ones I teach, I have no children) and I never do that. So I was so thrilled to hear Death Cab For Cutie and then one of my all time favorites . . . . Nirvana. Yay!!! The night got so much better. Then one of the guys played them again, I guess I kinda scared him, good!!!
Oh, and the last tid bit of the night. One of the guys started free-styling, cause that what we do at our Starbcuks, ahaha. Anyway, it was with the lyrics (that he knew) of Last Resort by Papa Roach. I alwayssmile at Last Resort. For 5 reasons:
1. I know just about everyone in the music video!!!!
2. Their from right here in Vacaville, Ca. My beloved hometown. NOT Sacramento!!
3. My older sisters have dorky band camp photos of Coby from highschool when they used ot hang out. My little sister was friends with Coby’s younger brother and I teach one of his little relatives (cousin/niece I’m not sure).
4. I was on campus and sncuk out into the hallway when MTV was at my school my junior year to do their documentry.
5. The best Chinese food on the planet can be found at Imperial China Kitchcn or Imperial to save breath. This happens to be P Roach’s fav Vacaville joint and mine as well. When you walk in you’ll see their photos everywhere! From garage band days to the most recent magizine article!!! Come to Vacaville and I will take you to the best Chinese on the planet aka Papa Roach’s favorite place!!
That’s all!!
Oh, and the last tid bit of the night. One of the guys started free-styling, cause that what we do at our Starbcuks, ahaha. Anyway, it was with the lyrics (that he knew) of Last Resort by Papa Roach. I alwayssmile at Last Resort. For 5 reasons:
1. I know just about everyone in the music video!!!!
2. Their from right here in Vacaville, Ca. My beloved hometown. NOT Sacramento!!
3. My older sisters have dorky band camp photos of Coby from highschool when they used ot hang out. My little sister was friends with Coby’s younger brother and I teach one of his little relatives (cousin/niece I’m not sure).
4. I was on campus and sncuk out into the hallway when MTV was at my school my junior year to do their documentry.
5. The best Chinese food on the planet can be found at Imperial China Kitchcn or Imperial to save breath. This happens to be P Roach’s fav Vacaville joint and mine as well. When you walk in you’ll see their photos everywhere! From garage band days to the most recent magizine article!!! Come to Vacaville and I will take you to the best Chinese on the planet aka Papa Roach’s favorite place!!
That’s all!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The sum 0f 2007
The Sum of Things of 2007
# of broken hearts 1
# of dates 1
# of hair colors 3
# of bands met lost count at Warped Tour
# of live shows again lost count at Warped Tour
# of blogs 6 WHY?
# of important people in my life that I lost 2
# of friends I can’t live without too many to count AWWWW
# of car accidents 1
# of classes registered for and dropped 5
# of career changes 2
# of dreams come true 6
# of hang overs 1
# of days to San Francisco never enough
# of times I’ve been thankful beyond words 31,536,000
(that’s how many seconds are in one year!!!)
# of personal growth moments too many to count
# of musical crushes 4
# of crying rages a lot less than 2006 hahaha
# of meet and greet mishaps 3
# of hospital visits 4 (that’s more than usual for me)
# of misdirected road trips 8
# of memories endless
# of pants ripped due to jumping off furniture William Beckett style 1
# of whipped cream fights behind the counter at least 4
# of stickers on the back of my car 11
# of restraining orders from Gerard Way 0 so far
# of Kiki’s jokes about my reading of a book to change a tire 8 until I punched her
# of days I realized I have a place here and some people cant live without me . . . 365
# of broken hearts 1
# of dates 1
# of hair colors 3
# of bands met lost count at Warped Tour
# of live shows again lost count at Warped Tour
# of blogs 6 WHY?
# of important people in my life that I lost 2
# of friends I can’t live without too many to count AWWWW
# of car accidents 1
# of classes registered for and dropped 5
# of career changes 2
# of dreams come true 6
# of hang overs 1
# of days to San Francisco never enough
# of times I’ve been thankful beyond words 31,536,000
(that’s how many seconds are in one year!!!)
# of personal growth moments too many to count
# of musical crushes 4
# of crying rages a lot less than 2006 hahaha
# of meet and greet mishaps 3
# of hospital visits 4 (that’s more than usual for me)
# of misdirected road trips 8
# of memories endless
# of pants ripped due to jumping off furniture William Beckett style 1
# of whipped cream fights behind the counter at least 4
# of stickers on the back of my car 11
# of restraining orders from Gerard Way 0 so far
# of Kiki’s jokes about my reading of a book to change a tire 8 until I punched her
# of days I realized I have a place here and some people cant live without me . . . 365
As 2008 begins
So, to start off 2008 I did something I’ve never done before. I got up as usual this morning, took Lucky out, made breakfast, this was about 10:30 or 11. Then since the tv was already on I sat on the couch and just watched. It was hockey. Never before in my 22 and a half years have I watched the sport. Unless you count all 3 of the Mighty Ducks movies! Okay, I didn’t actually watch the game because it took so long for the national anthem, which was Canada’s anthem by the way and America the Beauitiful, that by the time they introduced all the players I was bored. But for the record hockey players are not all oafish looking as stereotypes may be. It was as they announced two of the players that I started to drift off into Brownie Land! One of the players on the Penguins team (I only remember that because I happen to adore penguins!) had the last name of Crosby. That got me to think of Bing Crosby and other late crooners. That led me to think of the Rat Pack, then I began wondering if there was a film about the Rat Pack. It was then that Oceans 11 and 12 entered my head and I thought to myself “I still haven’t seen Ocean’s 13.” And then I thought about how I have Julia Roberts like(ish) teeth. So I went upstairs to brush my teeth because I had just eaten breakfast. That’s when my mom called me into the office to crawl under the desk to lok for somehting that we still haven’t found. It was an odd morning. But I feel good about this year. So many new chances and opportunities. I see so many things happening. But mostly I see myself gloing to sleep in the nest 35 minutes or so. So, good night!
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